Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Greetings from Slovakia where I have spent the last 5 days shopping, drinking and eating.  Above, the latest accomplishment of my mom: caramel wafer torte.  Every bite shortens your life by at least 13 minutes.  Finally, she agreed to start compiling her recipes and photos and I need to teach her how to blog it all.  Until then, I will gladly serve as her proxy.

Hviezdičky - marcipanovo-karamelovéŠuhajdy - orechovéŠuhajdy - kokosovéStromčeky - kokosovéLaskonkyMušle - hnedéKošíčky - karamelovéPusinky - kokosovéValčeky - čokoládovéBábovkyVčelie úlikyPodlesníčkyTyčinky - parížskePusinky - orieškovéPoľovnícke gombíčkyHviezdičkyHviezdičky - marcipánovéBábätka - karamelové


Jed said...

I am going to Slovakia before I die if only to try each of those desserts! They look amazing :).

Alex Kristofcak said...

If and when you ever do, you most certainly will :)

In the meantime, if Virgin Atlantic ever finds my luggage, I will soon have a generous sample in my apartment in NY, in case you're in the city some time in the next .. 3 days (that is how long they will last).

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