Monday, November 3, 2008


Even though I don't run marathons anymore, I can still appreciate how tough they are.  When you watch at mile 24, some of the stuff you see is downright jaw-dropping.  Most people, even those with the most intense training, are at a point where their bodies are running on sheer will.  It's no longer about physics or strength or nutrition.  It's pure determination.  In the pic above, my teammates from Frontrunners New York, Kelsey and Chris.  Kelsey is pacing Chris for a sub-3 hour marathon.  They finished at 2:59:31 .. amazing.

Another notable phenomenon worth mentioning was people running with Obama pictures on their shirts.  I bet that those will look quite funny a decade from now.  "OMG, dad! You ran the marathon with Obama on your T shirt?"

Then you have the people who may look funny but you know they are going through just as much pain as everyone else.  This guy in particular is not kidding at all - he ran 3:16 yesterday after running 3:08 three weeks earlier in Chicago.

And then there's Peter McGrane.  If there was an inspiration ad featuring him, it would go something like "Peter - making sub-3 marathons look easy since 2008".  This is him on the way to a 2:49 finish, shaving off 5 minutes from his first sub-3 performance in Chicago last month.  

Speaking of Peter, do these arms look familiar?

One thing is for sure: while I may no longer be a marathon runner, at least I got the cross dressing part down this Halloween!

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