Monday, November 17, 2008

What Now?

For those interested in knowing what to now that Join the Impact has come and gone, here's what:

1. From the creators of Join the Impact comes Day Without A Gay.  Call in gay on Dec 10th!

2. From the screenwriter of Milk, Dustin Lance Black, and one of Harvey Milk's friends, Cleve Jones, comes the 7 weeks to equality campaign: "We call on all supporters of equality to sustain and intensify the nationwide campaign of mass protests and non-violent civil disobedience, for seven weeks, starting on November 27, 2008, the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination of Harvey Milk, and to then gather together in mass, from all corners of our country, in Washington, DC on the morning of Tuesday, January 20, 2009, to honor the inauguration of our President, Barack Obama."  What I particularly like about their initiative is the redirection of efforts towards the Federal government, as opposed to piecemeal state-by-state approaches.

I will keep me eye out for other campaigns, initiatives and protests.

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